jewish calendar artinya
- The reconsecration of the Temple becomes an annual feast of dedication in the Jewish calendar, Hanukkah.
Penyucian kembali Bait Suci ini dijadikan hari raya Yahudi yang tetap, Hanuka. - By the later 3rd century some Christians began to express dissatisfaction with what they took to be the disorderly state of the Jewish calendar.
Kelak, pada abad ke-3, beberapa kalangan Kristiani mulai mengungkapkan ketidakpuasan dengan metode yang mereka pandang sebagai ketidakberaturan kalender Yahudi. - By endorsing the move to independent computations, the Council had separated the Easter computation from all dependence, positive or negative, on the Jewish calendar.
Dengan memberlakukan peralihan ke perhitungan independen, konsili ini telah memisahkan perhitungan Paskah dari segala ketergantungan, positif ataupun negatif, pada kalender Yahudi. - The Revelation 12 Sign may have coincided with the High Holy Day of Rosh Hashanah on the Jewish calendar, which is also called the Feast of Trumpets.
Tanda Wahyu 12 kemungkinan bertepatan dengan Hari Suci Agung Rosh Hashanah pada kalender Yahudi, yang juga disebut hari Raya Sangkakala. - These two rules, independence of the Jewish calendar and worldwide uniformity, were the only rules for Easter explicitly laid down by the Council.
Dua aturan tersebut, independensi dari kalender Yahudi dan keseragaman di seluruh dunia, merupakan satu-satunya aturan terkait Paskah yang secara eksplisit ditetapkan oleh Konsili Nicea. - Those who argued for continued reliance on the Jewish calendar (called "protopaschites" by later historians) were urged to come around to the majority position.
Mereka yang menginginkan untuk terus bergantung pada kalender Yahudi (disebut "kaum protopaskit" oleh para sejarawan di kemudian hari) didesak untuk beralih ke posisi mayoritas. - Others felt that the customary practice of reliance on the Jewish calendar should continue, even if the Jewish computations were in error from a Christian point of view.
Kalangan yang lain merasa bahwa praktik adat yang bergantung pada kalender Yahudi seharusnya dilanjutkan, sekalipun perhitungan Yahudi keliru jika dilihat dari sudut pandang Kristiani. - On the Jewish calendar, Joseph was purchased in the year 2216, which is 1544 BC, at the end of the Second Intermediate Period or very beginning of the New Kingdom.
Penanggalan Yahudi diyakini bahwa Yusuf dijual kepada Potifar tahun 2216 (Kalender Yahudi), atau 1544 SM, berarti pada Periode Pertengahan Kedua ("Second Intermediate Period") atau di awal "Kerajaan Baru" ("New Kingdom"). - They justified this break with tradition by arguing that it was in fact the contemporary Jewish calendar that had broken with tradition by ignoring the equinox, and that in former times the 14th of Nisan had never preceded the equinox.
Mereka menjustifikasi perubahan tradisi ini dengan alasan bahwa pada kenyataannya kalender Yahudi kontemporer yang telah melanggar tradisi dengan mengabaikan ekuinoks, dan pada zaman dahulu tanggal 14 Nisan tidak pernah mendahului ekuinoks. - The controversy between those who argued for independent computations and those who argued for continued reliance on the Jewish calendar was formally resolved by the Council, which endorsed the independent procedure that had been in use for some time at Rome and Alexandria.
Perdebatan antara mereka yang menginginkan perhitungan independen dan mereka yang ingin terus mengandalkan kalender Yahudi terselesaikan secara resmi melalui Konsili Nicea, yang mengesahkan prosedur independen yang telah digunakan selama beberapa waktu di Roma dan Aleksandria.